Jordan Looney - "Let It Vibe" 2023
As I’ve looked back on my musical journey one of my goals has consistently been the creation, stimulation, and facilitation of positive vibrations. In “Vibrations” we find ease in the seamless blend of smooth rhythms, Braggadocios world play, and sultry vocal stylings. I leave the listener with two options: stop listening or… let it vibe.
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We are a collective of creatives, entrepreneurs, musicians, philosophers, and lovers of art and life. We develop creative solutions to elevate cultural storytelling. Thank you for your support. Follow us on Instagram: @thez1_prodlab to stay connected on all of our new happenings.
©TheZ1 LL
Blog posts
Vests, jackets and hats once classified as a "working class" uniform have recently transcended "blue collar" and found a home in contemporary streetwear. In a sea of all black textiles, tech clothes and high-end materials; Hi-Vis bucks those trends. Comfortably seated in...
The intersection of Hip Hop, Jazz, and Art - Jordan Looney
I’ve been absorbing hip hop in all its forms for over two decades. My grandfather was a Jazz pianist, my mom a poet and a jazz singer and my dad was a congo player and percussionist. Some of my strongest...
Heard about this; Snapchat 523?
Jordan did it again! The Z1 Production Lab has begun it's collaboration with Snapchat! Check this out: https://523.snap.com/en-US/about Basically, this partnership will highlight the work of the Z1 for the coming year with a focus on black content. What does that...